
Building a Sustainable Coaching Culture Starts With You

Building a Sustainable Coaching Culture Starts With You

For the second year in a row, PETRONAS Leadership Centre (PLC) brought in the world’s top executive coach, Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, and the world’s #1 Strategic Innovation Coach, Dr. Peter Chee for the highly anticipated Coaching Summit 2023.

Since its inception, the Coaching Summit has served as the premier event for leaders and coaches to enhance their coaching skills, learn best practices, and connect with the coaching community. Organised by the Coaching Academy, this year’s theme was ‘Building a Sustainable Coaching Culture.’

The 360 hall was filled with 200 of PETRONAS’ top leaders and coaches, while more than 800 virtual participants tuned in from around the world. This impressive turnout facilitated valuable exchanges and provided well-deserved recognition to the dedicated coaches and aspiring coaches within the organisation.

To kick off the event, Puan Sh Sakinah Sy Ishak, Head of Strategic and Business Planning Excellence in PLC and acting CEO, extended a warm welcome and invited Puan Farehana Hanapiah, Senior Vice President of Group Human Resource Management, to deliver the opening address. Energising the crowd early in the morning, she acknowledged all coaches for their amazing efforts thus far and encouraged both coaches and leaders to embody the transformative practices they would take away from the summit.

Then, came the moment everyone had been eagerly anticipating as Dr. Marshall took to the stage. This coaching guru, with an impressive track record of coaching CEOs of top organisations, made the room come alive with an engaging and interactive ice-breaking session. Dr. Marshall Goldsmith captivated the audience with his relatable and witty anecdotes, inspiring deep introspection on leadership and personal growth.

Here are some key takeaways from his talk:

  1. Effectively communicate and persuade others with your ideas. If you can’t sway them (and be very clear about whom you can and cannot change, e.g., partners and in-laws), consider accepting the situation or moving on.
  2. Accountability, monitoring, and feedback can drive meaningful change in individuals.
  3. Reflect daily by asking yourself, “Did I put in my best effort to find happiness?”

After his emotionally-charged yet compelling call to action, guests were eager to engage in a conversation with Dr. Marshall. In the Coaching Spotlight Talk, Dr. Peter Chee skillfully moderated the Q&A session, addressing insightful questions from the audience.

Throughout the session, our speakers emphasised the significant role of mental wellness and psychological safety in creating the right environment for personal and organisational growth. This topic was further explored in the Coach Connect evening session by representatives from Group HSE, Dr. Jaseema Begum Nazir Khan and Dr. Zulkifli M Yunus, which focused on the importance of wellness coaching in creating and sustaining a coaching culture that fosters positive change.

Guests also had the opportunity to visit exhibition booths showcasing PLC’s various offerings, featuring Coaching Academy’s solutions and myLearningX. In line with the theme of personal development and mental well-being, there was also a booth from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)’s Faculty of Psychology, offering visitors a 30-minute session with trained psychologists. This piqued the interest of many visitors as they internalised their learnings from the speakers.

The summit concluded with wellness activities for participants to unwind after a long day. Guests had exciting options to choose from, including a cooking session with Encik Kamal Bahrin, SVP & Chief Executive Officer of PRPC, and a painting class with Puan Intan Shafinas Hussain (Tuty), Head of Group Sect. & Board Governance, both of whom were Leaders-in-Residence at PLC. There were also some musical enthusiasts who rocked the Jamming Room to unleash their creativity!

Participants shared interesting feedback such as;

“This session gave me new insights on how I can be better as a person before I can be a good leader.”

“A lot of eye-openers to bring back home and back to the office.”

“Very engaging speaker, sharing live anecdotes.”

“It felt like a very relaxed and safe space.”

With an impressive Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 84 and encouraging feedback from participants, PLC’s Coaching Academy has successfully captured the essence of what PETRONAS’ leaders and coaching community needed to help them on their journey of elevating individuals and teams to fulfill not only the organisation’s targets but also their personal growth. 

Check out our LinkedIn post on Coaching Summit 2023 and don’t forget to subscribe to PLC’s LinkedIn page!


Coaching Reaches New Heights at PETRONAS

Coaching Reaches New Heights at PETRONAS

PETRONAS Leadership Centre (PLC) recently completed its inaugural Coaching Summit 2022 on 30 November, with 157 PETRONAS coaches & leaders attending the session. The Summit, which centres on the theme of ‘Creating a Pervasive Coaching Culture to Sustain Success’, was organised by PETRONAS’ own Coaching Academy and held at the newly built PLC campus.

The Summit’s highlight was the sessions led by the best-selling author, the world’s #1 authority on Intelligent Leadership – Dr John Mattone, one of the world’s most in-demand CEO coach and leadership speakers. Dr Mattone was also the coach for the late Steve Jobs of Apple Inc., and PETRONAS had the privilege of having him at PLC to share his expertise, experience and thoughts on Coaching. 

The day started with a welcoming note from PLC’s CEO, Ruslan Islahudin. He mentioned how the development of coaches is essential in building leaders for the future to sustain PETRONAS’ business performance, acknowledging how the organisation has taken deliberate steps to embrace the coaching approach as a critical aspect of PETRONAS’ leadership development strategy–seeing PETRONAS’ investment commitment towards talent development as a whole. 

The CEO then handed over the session to Dr Mattone, who led and delivered three main agendas for the Summit –his Keynote, the Coaching Experiential Learning and the Masterclass for Coaches. 

In Dr Mattone’s Keynote, he shared three main points:  

  1. The essence of Coaching is the opportunity to help others to create masterpieces. Therefore, it is vital for coaches to show a belief in the coachee’s potential that the coachee themselves could not see.
  2. The role of a coach is to ignite the coachee to have the courage to think differently through deeper conversations in a safe space. To do this, a coach needs to role model behaviours of authenticity, vulnerability and, most importantly, humility. 
  3. Essentially, the inner core values and outer core behaviours are part of every leadership style. Those who make the absolute most of their strengths and behaviours as a leader while still recognising and understanding their weaknesses are generally the leaders that can be described as “authentic”.

Dr Mattone then led the Coaching Experiential Learning before he was put in the spotlight for a conversation with participants. During the learning session, he shared his 50 Laws of Intelligent Leadership, emphasising participants’ selected Top 3 laws and asking them to share their thoughts. One of the laws highlighted was Law #17: It’s not about the organisation you want to create; it’s about the organisation you must create. 

As a coach, it is paramount that we guide coachees to develop their own masterpieces for the organisation but with a tone of urgency, and using the word “must do” instead of “should do” or “need to do” gives the urgency-to-action for the coachee to confidently take that courageous step forward.  

The conversation was interesting as well. Dr Mattone received a kaleidoscope of questions which he eloquently answered. Participants didn’t hold back their need to tap into the man’s tacit insights, even asking for tips on how our nation’s leaders can leverage coaching methods to help sustain a better future for the country. 

In the afternoon, the Summit continued with the Masterclass for Coaches, and Dr Mattone explained the Wheel of Intelligent Leadership, which comprises the self-concept and Elements of Character, which can be explained further through Thoughts, Beliefs and Reference.

He also enlightened the audience on Mattone’s Leadership Enneagram Inventory (MLEI), a coaching tool used to identify predominant leadership styles and individuals’ maturity levels. This tool is part of the pre-work for the coaches and was used as a reference in the masterclass discussion, which yielded interesting insights for individual coaches on their own traits and level of maturity. He also provided tips to become successful leaders by enhancing the three traits, i.e., focusing on the highest scoring traits, least maturity ratio and lowest scoring trait. 

The Summit ended with a Coach Connect session led by PETRONAS’ own Innovation Coach Zulhilmi Ismail and Agile Coach Noraini Che Hamzah. The session emphasised the importance of coaching in the areas of Innovation and Agile, inviting coaches to join in, upskill themselves and ultimately become Innovation and/or Agile coaches for PETRONAS. 

All and all, the first-ever PETRONAS Coaching Summit was a resounding success with a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 72. The Summit proved that coaching is essential in driving lasting change and sustaining success in an organisation. Through PLC’s Coaching Academy, PETRONAS can make coaching culture pervasive so we can build more leaders to achieve not only the current organisational targets but also create our direction for the future. 

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