Cultural Beliefs

PLC Speak Up Day 2.0: Learning Through Celebrations of One’s Life Journey

PLC Speak Up Day 2.0: Learning Through Celebrations of One's Life Journey

“And the entire plant shut down unexpectedly!” Nurul Ain’s words reverberated with an intensity that mirrored the horror she once endured, encapsulating the raw essence of life’s trials before a hall full of familiar faces and strangers.

PETRONAS Leadership Centre (PLC) Speak Up Day 2.0, held on 30 November 2023 at PLC’s 360 hall, showcased five such gripping and impactful narratives that embodied courage, vulnerability, and growth. This event, the second of its kind this year, was attended by approximately 100 individuals from PLC and the Human Capital Development (HCD) division. The stage was set to remind us that our day-to-day engagements are repleted with a medley of elements – blue cheeses, spices, boulders, flames, and imperfections, waiting to be turned into a saga. The lessons gleaned from the myriad encounters deserve to be shared through the vibrant art of storytelling, precisely the aim of PLC Speak Up Day.

The origins of PLC Speak Up Day can be traced back to a modest yet impactful quest to encourage individuals across the organisation to speak up and celebrate the diversity of ideas. Guided by Asrif Yusof, Head of PLC Leadership Academy, and his dedicated team, the speakers took centre stage, weaving narratives around personal experiences that held profound significance to them following a series of in-house public speaking training sessions.

Ismail Ishak, a navy veteran turned corporate employee, shared his recipe to spice up life through all that it has to offer.

Nurul Ain, a former electrical engineer who ventured into strategic planning, recounted an almost-nightmarish incident at a plant which taught her gratitude.

It is undeniable that the success of the inaugural Speak Up Day laid the foundation for the subsequent event, where five colleagues took to the big stage their diverse stories. Heartfelt congratulations are extended to Ismail Ishak, Nurul Ain M Wahid, Nur Afifah Addenan, Goh Ji Lian, and Fadhilah Hanizan for courageously stepping up to share their stories and lessons with the audience. These individuals, a navy veteran, an electrical engineer, a solo traveler, a hiker, and a friend, walk among us donning various hats, serving as event coordinators, content creators, or strategic planners, on other days.

Head of HCD and CEO of PLC, En. Ruslan Islahudin, with the five speakers who took to stage their powerful narratives that embodied courage, vulnerability, and growth.

With the stage being their open canvas, each speaker claimed the spotlight and painted it with an eclectic mix of captivating tales and priceless wisdom. Their narratives exemplified the diverse range of experiences contributing to the rich tapestry of life within the organisation. Audiences were left in awe through heart-warming journey, taken on roller coasters of emotions through the nerve-wrecking tales, and the hall echoed in laughter from the whimsical remarks made by their peers in the limelight. Altogether, this event, in line with the sentiment shared by En. Ruslan Islahudin in his opening remarks, epitomises the essence of fostering psychological safety and nurturing a sanctuary for expression within the PETRONAS community.

PLC Speak Up Day 2.0 concluded with an overall rating of 4.49 and an impressive Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 76. The consecutive success of the PLC Speak Up Day sessions this year, evident in audience responses and the surge in interest on the programme, further solidifies the initiative as a cornerstone in nurturing effective communication skills among PETRONAS talents.

With this, there is a hopeful anticipation that more peers will step into the limelight, contributing to a collective narrative of resilience and triumph in the hallowed space of the 360 hall where imperfections and challenges continues to be elevated to the status of protagonists. Be sure to pay close attention to what 2024 has in store for the upcoming PLC Speak Up Day. Witness and be a part of this inspiring journey towards being #fearless and to #breakthebarrier by speaking up!

Wrapping up the last PLC Speak Up Day for 2023 with invited guests, speakers, and the audience.


Building a Sustainable Coaching Culture Starts With You

Building a Sustainable Coaching Culture Starts With You

For the second year in a row, PETRONAS Leadership Centre (PLC) brought in the world’s top executive coach, Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, and the world’s #1 Strategic Innovation Coach, Dr. Peter Chee for the highly anticipated Coaching Summit 2023.

Since its inception, the Coaching Summit has served as the premier event for leaders and coaches to enhance their coaching skills, learn best practices, and connect with the coaching community. Organised by the Coaching Academy, this year’s theme was ‘Building a Sustainable Coaching Culture.’

The 360 hall was filled with 200 of PETRONAS’ top leaders and coaches, while more than 800 virtual participants tuned in from around the world. This impressive turnout facilitated valuable exchanges and provided well-deserved recognition to the dedicated coaches and aspiring coaches within the organisation.

To kick off the event, Puan Sh Sakinah Sy Ishak, Head of Strategic and Business Planning Excellence in PLC and acting CEO, extended a warm welcome and invited Puan Farehana Hanapiah, Senior Vice President of Group Human Resource Management, to deliver the opening address. Energising the crowd early in the morning, she acknowledged all coaches for their amazing efforts thus far and encouraged both coaches and leaders to embody the transformative practices they would take away from the summit.

Then, came the moment everyone had been eagerly anticipating as Dr. Marshall took to the stage. This coaching guru, with an impressive track record of coaching CEOs of top organisations, made the room come alive with an engaging and interactive ice-breaking session. Dr. Marshall Goldsmith captivated the audience with his relatable and witty anecdotes, inspiring deep introspection on leadership and personal growth.

Here are some key takeaways from his talk:

  1. Effectively communicate and persuade others with your ideas. If you can’t sway them (and be very clear about whom you can and cannot change, e.g., partners and in-laws), consider accepting the situation or moving on.
  2. Accountability, monitoring, and feedback can drive meaningful change in individuals.
  3. Reflect daily by asking yourself, “Did I put in my best effort to find happiness?”

After his emotionally-charged yet compelling call to action, guests were eager to engage in a conversation with Dr. Marshall. In the Coaching Spotlight Talk, Dr. Peter Chee skillfully moderated the Q&A session, addressing insightful questions from the audience.

Throughout the session, our speakers emphasised the significant role of mental wellness and psychological safety in creating the right environment for personal and organisational growth. This topic was further explored in the Coach Connect evening session by representatives from Group HSE, Dr. Jaseema Begum Nazir Khan and Dr. Zulkifli M Yunus, which focused on the importance of wellness coaching in creating and sustaining a coaching culture that fosters positive change.

Guests also had the opportunity to visit exhibition booths showcasing PLC’s various offerings, featuring Coaching Academy’s solutions and myLearningX. In line with the theme of personal development and mental well-being, there was also a booth from Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)’s Faculty of Psychology, offering visitors a 30-minute session with trained psychologists. This piqued the interest of many visitors as they internalised their learnings from the speakers.

The summit concluded with wellness activities for participants to unwind after a long day. Guests had exciting options to choose from, including a cooking session with Encik Kamal Bahrin, SVP & Chief Executive Officer of PRPC, and a painting class with Puan Intan Shafinas Hussain (Tuty), Head of Group Sect. & Board Governance, both of whom were Leaders-in-Residence at PLC. There were also some musical enthusiasts who rocked the Jamming Room to unleash their creativity!

Participants shared interesting feedback such as;

“This session gave me new insights on how I can be better as a person before I can be a good leader.”

“A lot of eye-openers to bring back home and back to the office.”

“Very engaging speaker, sharing live anecdotes.”

“It felt like a very relaxed and safe space.”

With an impressive Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 84 and encouraging feedback from participants, PLC’s Coaching Academy has successfully captured the essence of what PETRONAS’ leaders and coaching community needed to help them on their journey of elevating individuals and teams to fulfill not only the organisation’s targets but also their personal growth. 

Check out our LinkedIn post on Coaching Summit 2023 and don’t forget to subscribe to PLC’s LinkedIn page!


Knowledge Exchange on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion with Public Service Department of Malaysia

Knowledge Exchange on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion with Public Service Department of Malaysia

PETRONAS Leadership Centre (PLC) together with PETRONAS Government Regulatory and Advisory (GRA) and Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) team collaborated with The National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN) in hosting a Knowledge Exchange on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) with the Public Service Department or Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) to share what are some of the structured approaches that can help organisations understand, embrace and progress together with DEI.

On the morning of 11 October 2023, the 360 Hall was buzzing as we invited our esteemed guests from various ministries for this insightful session. Puan Sh Sakinah Sy Ishak, Head of Strategic and Business Planning Excellence in her capacity as Acting CEO, PLC, warmly welcomed our guests to PLC’s new campus. In her welcoming remarks, she highlighted the importance of developing diverse talents from different backgrounds for a brighter and more prosperous future for PETRONAS.

During the event, we were fortunate to hear from YBrs. Encik Rosnan Nordin, Deputy Director General from the National Department of Culture and Arts about his experience as the art director for many momentous national events. For many years, he was the man behind the curation of our National Day Celebrations, but this year posed a different challenge for him as a person in a wheelchair. Yet, he managed to lead a contingent of 20,000 people, and still made his way end-to-end across Dataran Putrajaya to ensure that the event ran with military precision. It was clear that very little could hold him back from his commitment, passion, creativity and his goal to preserve our poetic culture for the future generations.

Now, how does PETRONAS play its role in developing leaders who can lead inclusively? First, we need to understand that PETRONAS is continuously evolving to reach our new goals of MFT 50.30.0. This means that we need new DNA, fresh ideas and varied expertise, which comes from a bigger pool of talent. In order to achieve our DEI aspirations, PETRONAS established a bespoke working D&I Committee in 2019 that was tasked to monitor measurable targets in 4 key areas of D&I; gender, culture, age, and nationalities.

Representing the D&I committee, Puan Zatul Iffah Malik, Talent Development Specialist from PLC explained that PETRONAS aims to create a working culture where employees feel like they belong. It can start with the little things, like tailoring our signature yellow coverall for women and eventually lead to the implementation of policies and systems like paid parental leave, Flexible Working Arrangement (FWA), and enhanced mental health coverage that make employees feel supported in their role. It is an ongoing learning process to attract a diverse talent pool that can help us progress together.

Leaders play a big role in realising these targets and PLC is on a mission to help them learn how to manage diverse teams. One example is through the Conscious Inclusion programme, where the leaders are taught to become more aware of their unconscious biasness that could get in the way of making objective decisions. The effectiveness of these approaches is then measured through employee feedback in the PETRONAS Organisational Culture Survey (POCS) to gauge where our leaders are in this journey, and if we are on track to meet our targets.

PETRONAS continues to explore ways to become more inclusive in its recruitment process, which led to the set-up of the Neurodiverse Centre of Excellence (NCOE) in Project & Delivery Team. PETRONAS Dagangan Berhad has also started creating a talent pool of people with disabilities through graduate programs which recognise their capabilities beyond their disabilities. These are some of the ways that we can empower the community and ensure that we stay true to our purpose of enriching lives wherever we operate.

As the knowledge exchange came to a close, YBrs. Datuk Zamri Ramli, CEO of the Advanced Leadership and Management Programme (ALMP) by INTAN, was invited to say a few words. He acknowledged that the government has quite a way to go in implementing DEI practices and it was inspiring to learn from PETRONAS on the approach that can be taken. It was an interesting sharing session, and we look forward to more collaborations with the Government in exchanging nation-building ideas.


How Women Rise: A Day of Real Insights with Sally Helgesen

How Women Rise: A Day of Real Insights with Sally Helgesen

On 28 August 2023, Sally Helgesen’s renowned perspectives brought the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre to life. It wasn’t just another date on the calendar; but a day marked for introspection, networking, and growth. Leaders and professionals from diverse backgrounds gathered, united by a shared intent: to glean insights from her celebrated views on leadership.

Organised by PETRONAS Leadership Centre and bolstered by a collaboration with the PETRONAS Leading Women Network (PLWN) and the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, the event held the promise of being a turning point for many in attendance. A tapestry of executives, managers, and senior managers was woven together by a single thread: the aspiration to uplift and be uplifted. And it delivered.

The voice behind “How Women Rise” and “Rising Together” wasn’t there merely to speak; she was there to engage. As she shared her insights, murmurs of realisation rippled through the audience. The collective introspection was palpable: “Have I done that?” Drawing from “How Women Rise” and “Rising Together”, Sally addressed the challenges and opportunities leaders often grapple with. Her words struck a chord, nudging attendees to ponder their personal and professional paths.

Cik Marina Md. Taib, Vice President of Treasury, PETRONAS in her quiet yet powerful demeanor, encapsulated the day’s spirit, “We’re here, not as genders, but as believers in a mutual passion: inclusivity.” And wasn’t that the truth? Her words served as a call to action, emphasising not only personal growth but also the urgency of nurturing an inclusive leadership environment.

As the day concluded, participants departed with more than just notes. They carried with them actionable strategies, an invigorated network, and a rejuvenated sense of purpose for their roles. “How Women Rise” wasn’t merely a day of lectures; it was a shared journey. It celebrated determination, charted a course for growth in inclusivity, and heralded a shift in leadership thought. The day’s message was crystal clear: “Together, we rise.”


PLC Shines Bright with Three Accolades at the Prestigious Brandon Hall Awards!


Thinkers of Tomorrow – Inside the Mind of Rob Siegel

Thinkers of Tomorrow – Inside the Mind of Rob Siegel

On 20 July 2023, PETRONAS Leadership Centre, in a notable collaboration with PIVA Capital, hosted two insightful knowledge sessions as a part of PLC’s “Thinkers of Tomorrow” series. The spotlight was on Professor Robert E. Siegel from Stanford University Graduate School of Business, an esteemed academic and practitioner in Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Venture Capital.

The successful incorporation of Professor Siegel’s expertise, following PIVA’s recommendation, marks a significant milestone in our pursuit of fostering innovation and thought leadership. This synergistic collaboration serves to bring together brilliant minds to inspire, challenge, and ready the leaders of tomorrow.

In two riveting sessions that stretched across the day, Prof. Siegel navigated us through the intricacies of blending the physical and digital in leading organisations and underscored the significance of System Leadership. 

During the morning session with 37 of our senior leaders, Prof. Siegel introduced the “Brain and Brawns” framework, a powerful tool to evaluate and enhance our core capabilities. Through two compelling case studies, he highlighted the need for businesses to strike a perfect balance between intellectual capabilities and operational strength. The key to success, according to him, lies in the seamless integration of these two facets, a blueprint for the winning companies of tomorrow.

The afternoon session brought together 53 dynamic members from our innovative and venture teams. Siegel highlighted the necessity of System Leadership in the present fast-paced business environment. He urged attendees to adopt a multifaceted approach to processes and strategies, rather than confining to a singular, digital or physical perspective.

An interesting highlight of the talk was the discourse around integrating new ventures into our existing core business. Prof. Siegel stressed the need for radical development and integration to maintain a competitive edge, pointing out that internal competition is a futile exercise. He reminded us to focus on combating external competition, reiterating, “enemies are outside the organisation.”

He wrapped up the sessions with a profound thought, stating that the best businesses are not merely those that have innovative technologies, but those that can synergise these technologies with revolutionary business models. 

The day was not just filled with knowledge sharing but also fostered a culture of curiosity and learning. The insightful sessions led by Prof. Siegel offered a unique learning experience, providing participants with strategies to explore the interesting crossroads of digital and physical worlds.

The lessons from this first session of Thinkers of Tomorrow have inspired us to foster culture that harmonises both brain and brawn, stimulating continual learning and growth in an ever-evolving world. 


Lighting Up the Future: A Spark of Inspiration with Peter Bakker

Lighting Up the Future: A Spark of Inspiration with Peter Bakker

On the evening of 27 July 2023, the Grand Hyatt, Kuala Lumpur was humming with more than just the usual chatter of a social gathering. The venue played host to ‘A Spark of Inspiration’, an event that forms a part of Sustainability Excellence Programme (SEP), organised by PETRONAS Leadership Centre (PLC). SEP is designed with the intention to fully integrate PETRONAS sustainability ethos into our strategic DNA. Top leaders, Senior General Managers, and General Managers of PETRONAS convened for an evening of inspiration and rich conversation, with a sprinkle of gastronomical delight, featuring Peter Bakker, President, and CEO of WBCSD. 

Pn. Hazlina Harun, Head of PLC Academy, set the evening’s tone with a welcoming address that emphasised the event’s crux – envisioning a future where sustainability is integrated into enterprise-level strategies and business implementations. The dining tables were set, the atmosphere charged with anticipation, and the audience’s appetite for knowledge whetted.

As Peter Bakker took the stage, the room was thick with anticipation. This wasn’t merely another conference talk, it was a crucial conversation. Bakker, hailing from the Netherlands, carries a legacy of fostering sustainable transformation in businesses worldwide. Bakker’s narrative journey back to 2006 struck a chord, reminiscing about his daring promise of transforming TNT into the world’s first net-zero transport firm. “People thought I was crazy,” he confessed. Despite the ensuing skepticism and share prices plummeting, Bakker remained unyielding, “But we persisted. We saw the vision of a sustainable future and believed it was our responsibility to bring it to life.”

Bakker’s conviction resonated in his proclamation, “Business as usual is dead.” He unveiled a new paradigm where sustainability was not only a dire necessity but a treasure trove of opportunities. “Sustainability isn’t just about saving the planet; it’s about securing the future of businesses,” he articulated. His vision – a world where profit meets purpose.

His emphasis on immediate action painted a vivid picture of the catastrophic consequences awaiting us if complacency was allowed to prevail. Bakker’s caution if sustainability measures were not implemented served as a stark wake-up call to the audience. The Q&A session saw a flurry of intense questioning and engagement. Questions ranged from the practicality of transforming traditional industries to sustainability, the role of technology in this transition, and how to balance profitability with ecological responsibility. Bakker tackled each question with insightful, direct responses, further sparking the audience’s thinking and challenging conventional wisdom.

He accentuated the need for specific transformational plans for each industry, citing instances of the automotive industry’s shift to electric vehicles and the oil and gas sector’s decarbonisation efforts. “These are profound transformations that touch every aspect of the business,” he emphasised. Echoing his holistic perspective, Bakker insisted that sustainability extends beyond merely tackling climate change. “While climate change is pressing, we cannot turn a blind eye to biodiversity loss and escalating inequality.” His references to the Global Biodiversity Framework’s 2030 pledge resonated deeply, emphasising the unclear path ahead. 

As the main course was served, the room was further enlivened by the Traditional Jo’oh Dance, a performance by the Mah Meri tribe, an Orang Asli community native to Carey Island. The audience was captivated as a group of women clad in their tree bark dresses, palm leaves skirts, moved gracefully to the beat, complemented by two masked men with their energetic performance. The sounds of the traditional instruments brought the rich tapestry of Malaysian indigenous cultural heritage into the hall. Indeed, the intent behind featuring this dance was to inspire a broader awareness and appreciation of our role within the natural world. As we reflected on the rhythm and movements of the Jo’oh dance, it was clear that the message had resonated – our responsibility is not just to the preservation of these invaluable cultural and natural assets, but also their presence in our community and economy as minority.

In essence, ‘A Spark of Inspiration with Peter Bakker’ was a banquet for both the mind and palate. That evening transcended into a transformative experience, marking PETRONAS’ bold stride towards a sustainable future. The spark ignited by Peter Bakker promises to light up the path to a sustainable future, showing us that sustainability and profit can indeed walk hand in hand. His parting words lingered, “The journey to net-zero and sustainability demands a systemic transformation. Businesses today are custodians of our planet, driving sustainable change for a better tomorrow.” PETRONAS isn’t simply an energy company; we are a potential catalyst for sustainability within Asia. This event reverberated powerfully within the context of the concurrent Energy Asia Conference, further emphasising our crucial role in shaping the region’s sustainable energy future.

As the night winded down, the resonance of Bakker’s words fuelled conversations, a testament to his inspiring vision – when businesses prioritise sustainability, profit need not take the backseat. The evening left an indelible mark on the minds of the attendees, challenging them to reimagine the future of business, sustainability, and their roles within it.



Future Energy Leaders: Inspiring Youth towards Asia’s Sustainable Energy Future

Future Energy Leaders: Inspiring Youth Towards Asia's Sustainable Energy Future

What happens when you gather 133 university students and young professionals along with brilliant global thought leaders passionate about sustainability, gathered in one place?

This is what happens; it creates a ripple of movement, big and small, to drive positive change towards a common goal of sustainability and just energy transition.

That was what happened at PETRONAS Leadership Centre when it hosted its first-ever Future Energy Leaders (FEL) programme from 23 to 25 June 2023. Through the exchange of knowledge, insights and innovations by energy industry leaders and sustainability experts, FEL, a subset and prequel of the Energy Asia 2023 conference, aimed to create awareness about the current energy transition and Asia’s Sustainable agenda, all in the hope to inspire the next generation of leaders.

The programme had one clear focus, to prepare these young, aspiring leaders to lead the change for a sustainable Asia. These bright young minds explored and experienced the complexity of the energy transition and sustainability efforts through a series of agenda and activities so that they can recognize the need to balance energy security, affordability, and sustainability – the energy trilemma.

FEL kicked off with welcoming speeches by Charlotte Wolff-Bye, PETRONAS Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer, Sharifah Sakinah Syed Ishak, Programme Director for the programme. This was followed by Dr Wayne Visser, a fellow and professor at the University of Cambridge in Sustainability Leadership, who delivered an inspiring keynote address.

One of the most impactful experiences at FEL was the “Struggle for Survival” immersive live simulation. Facilitated by the Crossroads Foundation, this simulation immersed participants in the harsh realities of social inequality within a poverty context. Participants experienced living in the slums, a reality that almost 1 billion people experience on a day-to-day basis. In groups of families, they were forced to make a living by creating paperbags out of discarded papers to earn the bare minimum to survive. What makes this session impactful is that it is based on the harsh actual reality of Hamidah, a mother struggling to make ends meet for her family. Through this simulation, participants gained firsthand experience of the energy trilemma’s complexity, raising awareness and igniting a sense of urgency for sustainable action.

Another inspiring session, “Get Inspired!” featured renowned sustainability leaders sharing best practices and revolutionary solutions that contribute to a more Sustainable Asia. The panellists for the session were David Rosenberg, Co-Founder & CEO of AEROFARM, Ruth Thomas from the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and Sushil Purohit, the CEO of Gentari. The engaging panel discussion, moderated by Edward Clowes, a Sky News journalist, encouraged participants to think creatively in finding solutions that are practical and impactful in making the world more sustainable through research and innovation.

Some other highlights from FEL included an Explore Race, where participants had to complete challenges related to sustainability and wellness. They also got to witness a heated debate between Malaysia’s own Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Sunway University, Multimedia University (MMU) and Philippines’ Ateneo de Manila University on whether or not energy transition is only achievable through government intervention and not through market play. Participants also got to listen in to innovative pitches by PETRONAS Innovation Garage’s (PING) venture teams, FarmDirect and V-Cred, as well as a pitch by Muhammad Hakim Azly, a winner of Airbnb! OMG Fund, on his winning idea “Coconut Drifting in the Sea”. Meanwhile, at night, PLC’s outdoor landscape turned magical with beautiful fairy lights and balloons where participants and leaders got to hang out in tents and converse over barbeques and s’mores.

The Future Energy Leaders programme concluded with a memorable cultural thematic dinner, where participants, speakers, and leaders all dressed in traditional attires. This special event allowed us to proudly showcase the vibrant and rich Malaysian culture to our international guests, creating an immersive and enjoyable experience for everyone involved. To conclude the evening, we were privileged to have Puan Farehana Hanapiah, Senior Vice President of Group Human Resource Management, PETRONAS deliver the closing remarks, offering her insightful reflections and expressing gratitude for the invaluable contributions of all involved in the programme.

Overall, FEL left a lasting impact, inspiring a new wave of young leaders to actively contribute to Asia’s sustainable energy future all while making new lifelong friendships and connections. Through collaboration, sparking innovation, personal pledge and commitment to a just and responsible energy transition, the event paved the way for a brighter and more sustainable future in the region.

#BusinessAndBeyond‍ #BreakAway #Sustainability #FutureEnergyLeaders #EnergyAsia‍ #PETRONASLeadershipCentre‍ 


PETRONAS Leadership Centre Receives Double Recognition at PAM Awards 2023

PETRONAS Leadership Centre Receives Double Recognition at PAM Awards 2023

PETRONAS Leadership Centre (PLC) proved its unwavering commitment to leadership, innovation, and sustainability by claiming two prestigious awards at the PAM Awards 2023. PLC was honoured with the Silver Winner Award in both the Public & Institutional category and the Sustainable Development Goal category. Notably, it was the sole winner in the Sustainable Development Goal category, underscoring PLC’s dedication to sustainable practices and the PETRONAS sustainability agenda.

Marking Pertubuhan Akitek Malaysia (PAM)’s 100ᵗʰ anniversary, the prestigious awards celebrate remarkable achievements in architectural design and the built environment. All 120 valid submissions across 15 categories underwent rigorous scrutiny, meeting high standards and benchmarks. Impartial judgment was ensured through a seven-juror system of design experts, supported by technical reviewers, ensuring fairness and a comprehensive evaluation process.

Designed by Veritas Architects, the PLC New Campus is a testament to how strategic collaboration between the PLC project team, Project Delivery and Technology (PD&T), KLCCP and more can reach great achievements by embodying PETRONAS Cultural Beliefs like Innovate Now and Courage to Act.
Cultural Beliefs

PLC Breaks the Barrier with First Ever “Speak Up Day”

PLC Breaks the Barrier with First Ever “Speak Up Day”

PETRONAS Leadership Centre (PLC) recently organised its very first PLC Speak Up Day, public speaking event aimed towards encouraging capability development and change management initiatives. Attended by approximately 100 people, the audience was from PLC and Human Capital Development (HCD) division and the inaugural event took place at PLC’s very own 360 auditorium hall – a space which played a pivotal role in creating an immersive experience for both the speakers and the crowd.

With the core objective of inculcating PETRONAS’ Cultural Beliefs, “Speak Up: I express my views openly”, PLC Speak Up Day was birthed as a platform that provides a safe, supportive, and positive learning environment for members of the workforce to develop confidence, while practicing and honing their public speaking skills. 

Adopting a blended learning approach, the speaking platform is supplemented by a series of upskilling sessions called ‘Speaking with Confidence’, a 3-hour masterclass held on a monthly basis in PLC. It is facilitated by internal communications expert, Asrif Yusoff, Head of PLC Leadership Academy, who has been very keen on sowing the seeds of confident public speakers among fellow colleagues. 

Essentially regarded as a peer-learning workshop, participants of the class get to learn how to quash their fear of public speaking and how to do it with conviction through an experiential instructional method. Leveraging on off-the-shelf Public Speaking modules on the TED@Work digital library on PETRONAS’ learning platform, they are also equipped with a practical guide on techniques to prepare and deliver an impactful speech. To further reinforce learning and put it into practice, Asrif also offers one-on-one coaching outside the classroom for learners who are passionate about progress. 

Upon mastering the art of effective storytelling, learners are then fuelled to take their newly acquired skills to the next stage – which goes beyond the figurative context. On 9 March 2023, six courageous and incredible volunteers took on the challenge to step up and speak up in the first ever PLC Speak Up Day. The centre stage of 360 hall was graced by an amazing line-up of pioneering speakers: M Bistari Sadri, Aznan Mohd, M Faizal Alias, Nurulain M Suffian, Long Haffiz Long Hassan and M Hafiz Paring. 

With minimal restrictions on genres and topics, each speaker commanded the stage with a diverse range of compelling stories and ideas. Some were thought-provoking, some were heartwarming, and some even made jaws drop. One thing is for sure, all of them exuded charisma, energy and confidence in their own unique colours – talk about stage presence! The audience also significantly contributed to the impact with their genuine reactions and utmost support towards fellow colleagues who stood under the spotlight that day. All in all, this is what underpins the notion of creating a safe space and fostering a culture of continuous learning. 

PLC Speak Up Day 1.0 was wrapped up wondrously with an overall rating of 4.47 and a whopping 90 Net Promoter Score (NPS). Citing En. Ruslan Islahudin, Head of HCD and CEO of PLC in his concluding remarks during the event, “The spirit of Speak Up should not only end in this hall – let’s have it demonstrated and taken into action in the workplace”. This is a significant testament that speaking up matters and we pledge for a collective effort in making such platforms more prevalent, starting at PLC, with the potential to be scaled up across the organisation as a whole. Be sure to look forward to PLC Speak Up Day 2.0, and witness more and more aspiring speakers living up the spirit of being #fearless to #breakthebarrier!